FASA 365 Day 291, Nigrum Radix Gladio, (Blind Blade of the Black Root), Undead.
A Puppet of the Enchanted Black Root.
The Black Root is the tool of the dark magics. The strings that hold the pieces together and in service of the dark Puppet Master.
Something of the victim is placed in the head cavity of the puppet, whereby the puppet is activated.
Chopping up the puppet is only half measures. The targeted has to break open the head, fight the black roots inside, retrieve the piece embedded within, clean it of all the black root with holy water, quarantine the piece in a jar or sealable pottery, and then pray it never escapes.
Burning won’t help. It won’t burn. Fire, being an element of destruction; only gives it strength.
Killing the puppet master, won’t stop it either. He created it and set it loose. But once that is done, it has no more control over it than you do.
That piece of you is concentrated evil, bent on killing you. IF it ever escapes a new Black Root Puppet will be gathered and attack again.