FASA Creature Concept 365 Challenge Day 347
on December 12, 2024
at 12:19 pm
FASA 365 Day 347, Nevis Cases Lacerta,(Avalancherous) 20ft Omnivore.
Lives on mountainous terrain or steep hills.
Green skin and armor camouflages it in the hilly forests.
Its common name comes from its digestive system.
To Explain, The three stomachs stack high on the body, protected by the back plate armor. After digestion, the waste is compacted into hard, 3-4 ft round masses.
Once dropped in-between the legs of the creature, it turns and faces down the slope of the hills or terrain, and releases.
Often causing Avalanches, leading to its name.
AND the more common name.
Common Name: The Bowling Green… yur welcome.