FASA 365 Day 64, Spike. FASA Games, 1879.
Let me tell you a story about the Colonel’s Great Dane Maximillion, who crossed through the looking glass and caught the fever.
You see, this dog dearly loved his owner, The Colonel; and the Colonel loved his prized hunting dog as well, So when his orders came through to cross over to the Gruv, he could not possibly leave his dog behind. Now, here is where it gets interesting.
Shortly after entering the portal, the poor dog began to whine and howl and carry on something fierce. The Colonel, he did everything he could to console the animal, and he sat on the floor and held his beloved dog through the entire trip.
Well, let me tell you. When they came through… now a Great Dane is a pretty big dog to begin with. Well, sir, this dog, during the trip, grew quite a bit and was now the size of a Clydesdale Horse.
What’s more, he grew spikes and horns and wings and things and its a damn good thing he remembered his training and the love he felt for the Colonel because a “leash” was no more’n a suggestion at this point.
The Colonel still calls him Maximillion. The men just call him spike.
And as for its training…
Let’s just say, the Pterodactyl don’t dare fly over the Fort no more.