FASA Creature Concept 365 Challenge Day 78
on March 18, 2024
at 2:51 pm
FASA 365 Day 78, Hammerhead Stackedigator, Amphibious, 15ft length, 8 ft when erect.
Hunts much in the way of the Earth Aligator, with the exception of being able hold its breath for 6 hours do to its “stacked” internal organs including two sets of lungs and 2 hearts Some also have the ability to slow and alternate between their hearts to 1-2 beats a minute, allowing them to hold their breath from 24-48 hours. Next, it does not eat in large chunks; preferring to rip its prey into smaller bits that are stuffed into the mandibles and maw of a mouth.
Artists note: where o where will this species end up within FASA? Well, ladies and gentlemen?
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