FASA 365 Day 248, Mons Canis Ovis, (Mountain Sheep Dog) 3-5 ftMountain Climbing herbivore.VERY soft warm fur. NOT woolElongated ears and short horns. Bushy tail.Extremely agile and fast.
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FASA 365 Day 247, Coleoptera Elephantidae, (Elephant Beetle) 1/4 to 3/16 inchBlood Sucker.The Elephant Beetle bite leaves an enlarged swelling, extremely itchy, and puss filled. A bite scratched open allows for spreading of the infection in a rash of bright[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 246, Red Cap or Gnome. 3-4 inches.Fae, Dark or Light; depending on their mood.Seemingly harmless, but easily offended and HIGHLY VINDICTIVE.IF, by chance; you find yourself deemed a friend… you’re lucky. Pray it lasts. When it’s gone,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 245, Furiosus Crocuta Lycaon, (Howling Mad Laughing Wolf) 10-12 ft. Massive muscular upper bodies.Ravenous carnivore. Not a happy camper.What’a ya’ get if you cross a Hyena with a wolf…. this.One of just a few animals that kills[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 244, Quad Cauda Rutrum Maxilla, (Four Tail Shovel Jaw) 3-4 ft Poisonous Bottome Feeder.Not for eating.Spikes deter bigger fish from chomping down or attempting to swallow them hole.Shovel jaw scoops up the bottom sand and filters the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 243, Magna Manu Canis Lupus Ursi, (Big Paw Grizzly Dog)25 ft standing.Fiercly Loyal, Magnificent… droolers.HOWEVER, in the wild… Moody, territorial, and solitary. Winning over a wild big paw to domestication is NOT an easy task.NOT FOR RIDING…[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 242, Myelencephalon Profundus Oceanus Aranea, (Deep Sean Brainstem Spider) 4-5ft. Parasitic, Deep Ocean Species. Attaching itself at the base of the victims skull and attacking the brain matter. The Victim dies when the brain has gone beyond[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 241, Spina Plectra Cyclops, (Quill Spine Cyclops) 10ft Tall, 15 ft length.Cursed being. Deep dungeon dweller. Carnivore. Solitary.Keeps pets… big ugly spiders.Grips its prey in its legs. and then feeds from the head down.“Spillage” feeds the pets.
FASA Day 240, Shi’Tsing Hapiv (Ice Fisher) for 1879A rare sight in the Gruv, at least among most of the cultures there, as they are native to cold regions (which are few and far between on such a warm world),[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 239, Calculus Minutum, (Coal Mite).Small insect (1/8″) normally found in trees in the Gruv.Normal diet is bark and other high carbon material, however they prefer coal and coal dust, and will actively seek out and infest coal[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…