FASA 365 Day 168, Black Tip Manta Shark (Nigrum Prefix Mobulidae Pistris) 10-15ft,Artists Note: As far as genetic design, I think, shark are, the most cool looking, efficient, killing machine.Sleek, fast, smooth, and of course, deadly. How could I possibly[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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FASA 365 Day 167, Magnus Celler Pullus Lacerta, (Big Fast Chicken Lizard), 8 ft, Omnivore Eats insects, fungus, slow rodents. Legs are very well developed and can reach speeds of 45 kph, and sometimes kpg… on a short burst. However,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 166, Dragon Rose (Dragonis Rosa rubiginosa), Carnivorous, 5-6 inches. Can grow to Bush level, if left unattended. Artists note: Ever notice? Bee’s don’t seem to have a successful life expectancy in my art work. I know they’re[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 165, Space Gull (Locus Larinae), 6ft, 12 ft wingspan. Created specifically for Aetherstream: Leviathan.Bird of PreyCutthroat, Fast, a persistent and unrelenting hunter. With a tremendous stamina; it is heralded for still fighting when all other species would[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 164, Steel Blue Arctic Fox, (Caeruleo Arcticum Vulpis Ferro) 6-8 ft nose to tail. Carnivore.White fur, with dark blue accents at the tips of the ear and tail. Piercing blue eyes. Can hear pray 6 ft under[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 163, Pazuzu, for 1879 game line… and?This is an elder fae creature, possibly… a Horror corrupted fae or an actual Horror masquerading as a fae. We shall see.
FASA 365 Day 162, Armadeerlo, (Dasypodidae Cervidae) 8-12 ft, herbivore.Found between the grassy plains and rocky desert terrains.Excellent pack animals. Although can be a bit flighty.Also, edible. However, the hide is quite formidable, so; hunting them has its challenges.
FASA 365 Day 161 Delphinus Bellator (Warrior Fish)4-5 ft.Amphibious, Razor teeth and claws, attacks in schools. More like gangs… of 3-4. Its fish… what else do you call it?
FASA 365 Day 160, Ignis Spiritus Pleurodelinae (Tripod Fire Newt), For 1879 game line, 3-4 inch. Gruv Pound coin placed for scale.Fire breath, sometimes. Eats insects; worms, spiders, flies, etc.Officers note: The men have taken to keeping these lizards and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 159, Gorollaros.(Rhinocerotidae Felis) 15-20 ft. Omnivore.Combine the temperament of a Silverback Gorilla and a Rhinoceros… very big, easily startled, extremely territorial, and easily angered, what do you get?You get one perpetually pissed off primate.