FASA Creature Concept 365 Challenge Day 104
on April 13, 2024
at 1:52 pm
FASA 365 Day 104, Brownie.
Quote: Every breed o farmer deals with its own breed o pests.
In ancient days, the Brownie covered itself in fur or feather, disguising itself as bird or rodent; and dismissed just as quickly without a second glance.
Over time and human expansion, the Brownie has adapted to having less and less land to inhabit. Now mostly farmers.
The Farming Brownie inhabits and cultivates the small patches of land, that nobody seems to be keeping up with or caring about. You know these places, the neighborhood “haunted” and abandoned places, or the places you pass every day and ignore, like the patches of woods and grassy areas next to the highways. These are now the homes of the brownies.
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