FASA Creature Concept 365 Challenge Day 105
on April 14, 2024
at 2:40 pm
FASA 365 Day 105, Gluck. (glowing Duck) 8ft. Cave dweller.
Bio luminescent. water fowl.
Its own ‘glowing’ nature comes from eating the glowing things (algae etc) in the lakes found deep in the earth.
Note to the Spelunker: Although the Gluck is docile it will defend itself. The sacks of glowing slime at the base of its neck, connects to its nostrils. When threatened the Gluck “sneezes” this slime at its attacker. Doesn’t seem so bad? Gluck snot is highly acidic and corrosive.
Note to the party: Collecting Gluck snot is very profitable and lucrative undertaking, and also extremely dangerous.
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