FASA 365 Day 146, Javelin Hawk (Buteogallu Laculo), 1-2 ft. 4-6 ft wing span; lower set and upper respectively. 60-90 Kph at the dive. 2 sets of wings, Arrow tipped beak.
This bird of prey hunts by diving from great heights to reach proper air speed, pulling up at the correct height to pierce, stab, or otherwise skewer the chest or vital organs of its victim. Cleanly, through and through.
Being of diminutive stature the Javelin Hawk does not eat much; leaving carcasses behind for the scavengers.
Humans, by the way, are the perfect prey for the Javelin Hawk. Slow dodging reflex’s, not armored, and they stand on walls or in rows, just waiting for it, and always looking so surprised to look down and see a gaping hole in their chests, just before they die.