FASA Creature Concept 365 Challenge Day 171
on June 19, 2024
at 10:39 am
FASA 365 Day 171, Dissimulato Canem, (Camoe’d K-9) 2-3ft. omnivore
A domesticated pet, to the “Earthdawn” races of obsidiman.
These dog rocks, being prone to laying still for long stretches; often find, when they wake, that vegetation has taken root.
Giving them the looks akin to the Eloko, (see “Champion’s Challenge Graphic Novel Vol 2, “Challenges of a Madman” pg 96).
This guy is now a living walking mound of grasses, mushrooms, and in this case; dandelions.
Which is why, when his human, farmer, “owner” adopted him; he named him… “Patch”
(See what I did there? Dandelion – Patch. Get it?)
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