FASA 365 Day 207, Corniger Ignis Volat Vermis (Horned Flying Fire Worm) 6-12 inch.
Not Dangerous UNTIL after mating.
After mating the female Fire Worm grows its wings, Marking it as pregnant, and avoided at all cost. It flys to find a nesting ground to lay its 1 or 2 larvae.
It only has a limited time in which to nest the larvae, so it is not “overly” choosy on its nesting.
Here is where it gets dangerous.
USUALLY, it prefers the backsides of animals incapable of reaching the bite or brushing it off. However, it will nest on an unsuspecting or sleeping animal. That includes humans.
If you wake and find you have been chosen as a nest. DO NOT attempt to remove the Worm. The legs have dug in deep. The larvae have already been implanted. AND the Mother is eating you, to process food, which is being transferred from her leg tubes and into your body (her nest) to feed the larvae.
You may ask, WHY should the Fire Worm mother NOT be removed?
Because when the larvae have finished gestating. Which takes about 2 weeks, the Mother dies. The young Fire Worms emerge from the nest and proceed to eat their Fire Worm Mother. RAVENOUSLY.
Now, let’s be more specific. When the mother dies, the nest site (on you) looks like a very large, very angry, boil or zit. With a big ugly bug gripping and humping it.
The Larvae… ERUPT, from the nest, spewing acidic enzymes to dissolve and devour their mother.
IF the mother is not there… they will eat the nest (YOU).
They have now imprinted on the nest (YOU) as food.
They won’t attempt to eat anything else. Just you. ALL of you. Till you’re ALL gone. Or until they find MORE humans.
So, it has been deemed more desirable for Fire Worms to eat Fire Worms. Only Fire Worms.
OH, one more thing. Doctors have attempted removing the mother and the larvae surgically and unsuccessfully in every attempt.
It seems the larvae are extremely delicate. So when the surgeon attempts to clamp or grip the larvae, they burst and spread into the blood stream of the nester… (YOU), killing the nester (YOU), in moments.