FASA Creature Concept 365 Challenge Day 343
on December 8, 2024
at 10:25 am
FASA 365 Day 343, Cutis Labor Lapsus, (Skin Slider), 1/4-1/5 inch. Parasitic, asexual.
The Skin Slider lands upon its victim, bites and burrows under the skin. There in, sliding and burrowing under the skin tissue above the muscle fiber; laying its eggs as it goes. Leaving an approximately 12 inch trail of offspring.
The eggs hatch and the larvae begin to grow, Eating the skin as they eat their way to the surface, leaving a 12 inch, deep and painful scar on the victim.
After the larvae have reached the surface of the skin they fall away. This is the most vulnerable state for the Slider. but within a week their wings grow, making them more mobile.
Once airborne their sole intent is to find a victim and lay eggs. After laying their eggs, they surface from the skin of the victim exhausted, and having perpetuated the full circle of life, they promptly die.