FASA Creature Concept 365 Challenge Day 151
on May 30, 2024
at 11:31 am
FASA 365 Day 151, Rogue Beetle. (Perfide Polin Congregantis) 1-2 Inch. Pollinator. Named for its Silhouette primarily.
The Rogue Beatle, before flight; will seemingly take a knee, as it extends one wing to test the wind. It was thought that the silhouette looked like a feather extending from a pirate hat.
In fact, the entomologist, who discovered this species and observed the behavior; while not wearing their glasses at the time; remarked “Well, aren’t you the garish rogue?”
To add to the overall ‘visual’, the Rogue Beetles “mustache” and “pantaloons” are not at all what they appear to be, but are in fact the accumulation of collected pollen.
Artist note: Yeah, I know, another whimsical one. Sorry. I really didn’t have a choice. In my defense, I must say, once he got in my head, he kept “buggin” me and I had to put him on paper.
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