FASA Creature Concept 365 Challenge Day 193
FASA 365 Day 193, Draco Spinosus Anguis (Thorny Dragon Snake) 12-15 inches
Eats small rodents and large insects. No fangs but rather a row of needle sharp teeth along the upper and lower ridges of the mouth. Coupled with paralyzing venomous saliva.
Once bitten the jaw locks. Add the venomous thorns aligning the snakes back, make grabbing or pulling the snake off near impossible.
So, a locked on Draco Spinosus can’t be pulled off because of the thorns. The spit spreading through your blood stream incapacitates you. Thus, becoming easy pickings for larger predators.
OR, the paralysis, eventually, spreads to your internal organs and stops your heart.
You then decompose and your carcass becomes a haven for insect life and other jungle based small scavengers.
The latest feeding ground for the Drago Spinosus Anguis.
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