FASA 365 Day 200, Volubilem Bufo (Rolly Toad) 1-2ft. Carnivorous, Amphibious.
Prefers the still lakes and swamps.
Quite simply, it floats on the surface, like a bubble. It can steer itself toward swarming insects, AND has been known to inflate itself to reach higher perched prey in the trees.
The Rolly Toad prefers the water but can walk on land. Further, when it pulls its legs and tail into its body, it demonstrates its named ability. To roll.
HOWEVER, its skin is thin and like a balloon bursts easily, and explosively. Releasing a noxious gas and a highly corrosive blood.
Adventurers Note: There is an old legend of how an adventurer was caught off guard while taking a bath to clean some wounds.
He heard some approaching foes. Realizing he was too far away from his gear and his weapons and his clothes he was forced to hide, and….. improvise.
He managed to entice a Rolly Toad out of the water. (Don’t ask how) He then “aimed” the “beach ball” at the swarm of insects hovering over his would be captors.
Of course the Rolly Toad was hungry enough, and proceeded to float itself over the heads of the intended targets.
Well, the bad guys were just happy that the toad was eating the insects, instead of the insects feeding on them; so they let it be.
Allowing the adventurer, at the right moment, to throw a sharp rock; detonating the “acidic dirigible” all over his foe.
Or, so the legend goes.