FASA 365 Day 205, Diabolus Malus (Evil Devil). Lets talk a moment about Demons. 25-30 ft. Found in them deep more open caves of the dungeon, accommodating their mass, and or bulk. This fellow is Bukarstahk, 30ft. 2 ton tank of a demon.
Don’t let his size fool you. He is incredibly nimble, and fast.
Tales are told of a hapless amateur adventurer entering Bukarstahks lair. He turned and cried out to the rest of his party that he had found a minotaur.
Insulting a demon is not wise.
All accounts, from those who saw it happen, say that the killing blow came so fast, that the amateurs head was on the ground watching its own body fall in front of him.
A stupefied expression of surprise on his face.
His mouth opening and closing, like a fish.