FASA 365 Day 206, Dryadalem Silva, (Forest Sprite) 1-2ft. Undetermined how or what the Forest Sprite takes as nourishment.
Forest caretaker. Promoting regrowth of the fallen, or peace to the trees that can’t be saved.
NOT a fan of humans as they kill trees indiscriminately, without regard for the health and welfare of the forest as a whole.
However, legend speaks of a “mountain man” who built a home in their forest. A warrior who’d grown tired of the human race and the ugliness of war. He wanted nothing more than to live out his days in peace. In the solitude of nature.
Respecting the forest, the man took care to only harvest dead or fallen trees to build his home. Further, he made a habit of planting new trees every spring.
The Forest sprites counted him as friend, visiting often, and keeping him hidden from those who would do him harm.
The man served the forest, tree and animal alike, for many years. Longer than any human could have lived, naturally. Blessed by the magics of the Fae.
But, even with the magics blessings, nothing lasts forever.
It came to pass, on a fine spring morning, the old man collapsed just outside the door of his forest home. As he lay dying, the Forest Sprites found him.
Unwilling to accept his death, they followed their natural instincts and attempted extending his life, indefinitely.
They turned him into a tree. As strong and tall a tree as the mans spirit.
When magics proved successful, they gave their friend
one final honor. The Dryadalem Silva blessed the new tree with the mans name.
The first of the Sequoia.