FASA 365 Day 223, Lanigeris Bisontes Vermis (Wooly Bison Worm) 1-1.5 ft, Herbivore. For 1879
Named by our American friends, who have ventured here to the Gruv.
Seems the worms demeanor and wooly heads remind them of their own Buffalo.
Destroyer of Crops. Just one of these worms can destroy 2 acres of crops in a week.
Scientists have, as yet, discovered what or if this worm evolves into; be it moth or butterfly. As far as can be surmised; they don’t normally survive the evolutionary process.
Why? Their natural predators leave them alone in their worm state. Waiting for them to trap themselves by cocoon. At which point all manor of predator descend upon them in droves.
Upon closer examination we have discovered that the smell of the cocoon is overwhelmingly enticing, and extremely sweet.
Further, the worm in the center, in its unprotected evolving state would be best described in “human culinary” terms as cream filling.