FASA 365 Day 224, Volans Regurgitatio Aranea, (Flying Vomit Spider) 6-12 Inch.
Like most spiders, it is a blood sucker, leaving the husk of its prey to either the scavengers… or to rot.
Feeds on Rodents, Pest, and other Large Vermin.
Does not spin webs. Rather, it hovers above and launches its venomous vomit upon its prey. The victim; attempting to wipe off the highly adhesive mucilaginous substance, only manages to spread the venom.
The Vomit Spider then gently descends upon its incapacitated, but aware, victim to feed.
So far, there hasn’t been any reports of the vomit spider attacking humans… so far.

Artists Note: How do you make a big hairy spider worse…, Lets give it wings!