FASA 365 Day 233, Draco Vetus Inexhausta, (Ancient Undying Dragon), 150ft.
Withered, decrepit, and unable to die.
Not unwilling.
He was a terrible evil destructive dragon. Laying waste to king and kingdoms.
For a lark.
On a whim.
Until he was faced by a very old and sickly looking wizard.
The Dragon laughed at the weak and tired foe who stood before him.
“Dragon” called out to the old magician. “Dragon, you’ve killed everything and everyone I ever held dear. I am old, and tired. My Magic fades. But before I die, I vowed to face you.”
The dragon looked down his nose at the old man.
“I stand ready you pathetic creature, CAST YOUR MAGIC!” bellowing his words, point blank into the face of the wizard.
The wizard coughed a bit. Gathered his strength and cast but one spell. His last spell.
His magic spent, he collapsed.
“Is that it? chuckled the dragon. “An interesting light show wizard, but I am unharmed. NOTHING will ever stop me.”
“Indeed” replied the wizard. Coughing and chuckling to himself.
“I fail to see the humor.” said the dragon. “Enlighten me if you will before I crush you beneath my tail.”
“I cursed you with immortality” replied the wizard. The life spark fading in his eyes.
Bursting into laughter, “Your curse means nothing, Dragons already live beyond your comprehension of time. One might boast FOREVER, Old fool wizard”
Drawing his final breath, the wizard spoke one last time. “Forever is a very long time dragon. You will see.”
The wizard passed.
Time passed.
The dragon faced many a foe. Knights, Barbarians, Angry mobs with Pitchforks.
Everything died.
Not the dragon.
Millenia passed.
Finally, the dragon, weak and frail, crawled away into a deep dark cave. Hoping time and the fates would take pity and let him die.
Still he endured. Not even hunger would claim him.
And then a wandering soul walked into the lair of the dragon.
With a tired and quiet voice the dragon pleaded. “Please, traveler, kill me, I will not resist.” Rolling over and showing the traveler where to strike the killing blow.
“I will not” said the traveler. “For I am the reincarnation of the wizard you faced long ago.
“I am here to check in on you. And I will return as the centuries pass; or rather, the future versions of myself will come and see that you remain.”
“And each of us will, in turn, ask you but one question dragon. Who would be the old fool now?”
“You, the first dragon, and cursed to be the last. Forever”