FASA 365 Day 235 Glechoma Hederacea (Creeping Ivy) a Ground Elder or Spirit of Weeds.

One day the Forest Spirits had a meeting. All of the usual attendees were there. Tree Spirits, Flower Spirits, Wild life and bug spirits, even the Creek and Lake Spirits were there.

Surveying the invited, the Oak Spirit, raised its limbs and brought the meeting to order. Just as the Oak was about to speak.

“Excuse me!” a voice came from just beyond the hedges.

“I know you didn’t want me here, after all, who wants weeds in their garden. But as usual, I failed to get my invitation to your little get together.” The Ground elder continued.

“But you know, I am a part of this forest too?” The last part had the tone of a question; but was definitely a statement.

“I have just as much claim and right to be part of this meeting as any of you.” The angry looking weed spirit sank into the ground around the hedges, and then reappearing, gathering themself taller and higher, overtaking center stage.

“Look out.” the Sunflower Spirit whispered to the Elm.

“They’re in a mood to rant.” returned the Elm.

The Ivy turned and glared. “I have roots, in the forests, same as you Elm! And I can overtake anyone of you, if I please.” Pausing for dramatic effect, she surveyed the invited.

“You think just because you’re pretty… I have flowers and blooms too ya’ know…” pausing again, grasping for words, tendrils reaching out and grasping at the other spirits. Clinging. Entwining.

“That’ll be enough of that, Hederacea.” said the Oak. Using Ivy’s proper name to get their attention and convey the seriousness of the Oak’s meaning.

“Fine.” Ivy relented. Releasing the Spirits from the choking grasp, and taking a prominent place in the center of everything.

“If I may continue?” throwing a stern glance at Ivy.

Waving it off, Ivy nodded.

Artists note: Ok y’all, what happens next?