FASA 365 Day 69, Megalopolis, Walking city, immortal tortoise. (Those who know me, will get the meaning behind that reference.)
The boss wanted “big”. This qualifies, I think.
It eats the refuse and garbage produced by the city. And is fed by those inhabiting the “lower rim” of the city.
Artists Note: I think THIS guy is a creature that could be a reoccurring reference throughout ALL of FASA Game Systems. When young and only a couple of houses are able to be built upon it is in the most ancient timeline game, Advance to the next in the FASA timeline. It’s able to carry a town. Advance the timeline… It’s a city. Until eventually it is found by a futuristic game line… well and truly a dead city… but the same animal just the same.
Whatcha think FASA writers?