FASA 365 Day 314, Maculosus Laminam Equus, (Spotted Plate Horse), 10-15 ft. Omnivore.
Not good for riding. The plates. Not a pack animal… same reason.
But can pull a plow. or a wagon.
It is as sure footed as a goat and very strong.
FASA 365 Day 313, Massa Vulturis, (Clump Vulture) Flightless, Scavenger 6-7ft
Named for the ridiculous and useless clump of feathers at the oversized posterior.
Unlike many vultures, the “Clumper’s” wings are too small to sustain flight. The legs are also too spindly to manage a landing. So, jumping is also not practiced.
How does it survive?
The Clumper has a very big mouth, and is extremely loud and vocal. When the Clump Vulture sees a group feeding, it produces a loud piercing shrill call; painful and distasteful to its adversaries.
Once it successfully chases away its rivals, it eats what it wants and then stands guard over the rest. Letting no other animal benefit. Only itself.
FASA 365 Day 12, Amphibulb, (Glow Frog). 6-12 inch, Nocturnal.
During the night they emerge from the mud and sludge of the swamps. Rinse themselves off and glow a bioluminescent yellow green. This attracts moths and other light attracted insects.
A few minutes before daybreak, they leap straight up into the air, retract and tuck in their extremities, and plunge back into the mud and muck. Planting themselves; till dusk.
Yes. there are birds who wait for daybreak… and the easy pop up breakfast.
FASA 365 Day 311, Caecus Ira, (Blind Rage)
A very confused creature. Hunts by sonar.
An roars fiercely when it has captured, thats captured not killed, its prey. Roaring in total abandon and unequaled ferocity.
Artists Note; Given last nights results…. I couldn’t NOT draw upon my attitude. I’ll say no more, it could land me in a lot of trouble.
Well, maybe…. one more thing.
After my divorce, I quit writing a particular web comic. A few years later,I was asked why I stopped the comic.
The truth, once I got divorced I really didn’t have anything to bitch about anymore.
Im thinking,I might have some things to bitch about again.
FASA 365 Day 310, Canis Ursi (boar bear dog) 12 ft. Ominvore
This is a geneticists nightmare.
Too much crossover over of the breeds causes… insanity.
This thing kills and eats anything and everything it comes across.
If the wind rushes through the trees too briskly the Canis Ursi destroys the forest.
And I don’t know why I thought him up.