FASA 365 Day 178, Retributio Pythonissam, (Retribution Witch)
Summoned Spirit.
A spirit of justice? Karma? Retribution.
For those who believe they cannot get justice by any other means.
Blinded to any other truth other than the summoners, they will exact the summoners revenge.
How? Retributio Pythonissam will haunt their prey with physical pain, anxiety, starvation, and madness. The victim can’t or won’t eat. When they do, they can’t keep it down. The victim succumbs to frantic glutinous feeding, only to violently spew everything they have just eaten. Often, mid meal.
Soon after the victim falls prey to seizures, convulsions, and screaming fits of rage and terror. They see the shadowy figure of the witch everywhere. Death being the only release.
BUT, Let the summoner beware. These sprits hate wasting time.
You see, once they are done doing your dirty work, their focus turns to you. They have been quoted. “Now then, while I am here….”
So, before summoning, it would be best to remember the adage: “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.”
It pays to read the fine print.
Artists Note: All the “classics” have their “Men in Black”. Tolkien had his Ring Wraiths, Rowling has her Dementors. I am introducing the Retributio Pythonissam.
FASA 365 Day 177, Manchudda, (mahn-COO-dah) 15 ft. NOT amphibious, Not as evolved as a lot of its fish-man relatives. Equivalent to that of apes before evolution to neanderthal man.
It is the kind of hunter that could give a shark trouble. Sleek, smarter than most fish, and extremely fast… in the water.
Out of the water, you’d think it would be just as helpless as any other fish. Not so.
Its head can turn quick and with its powerful jaws, rip your head clear off.
The tail will slap back hard, and you will find yourself in the drink… and subject to its mercy.
Then, of course, there’s the well developed arms and razor sharp clawed hands that will reach out and rip you to shreds.
Therefore, it is suggested to fishermen, and anglers alike, if you have one of these on your line… just cut bait and move on.
FASA 365 Day 176, Little Chirp Bird (parum cicadarum ales) 2 inches fully grown. Making friends with this chipper morning singer, would be advantageous.
As hinted at in the name, the LIttle Chirp, sings primarily in the mornings. Not exclusively, juts mostly. A pleasant, happy song; inducing positivity, and long forgotten childhood, wondrous memories. What a way to start the day.
However, when it senses danger, It gives out the most high pitch, shrill, piercing, whistle. And everybody within 100 yards knows about it. This is a great alarm system, when skulking predators are about.
However, if stealth is more important to you, and you can’t afford to have your position given away… they roast quickly and the bones are soft and chewy.
FASA 365 Day 175, Mona Lisa Seal (Syreni Mare Bovem) 15-20 ft stretched out. Omnivore. Amphibious.
Somewhere… in-between. Not a dinosaur. Mammal? ish?
Fins like a fish that flow down the back of the head and neck.
Flippers like a sea lion. Surprisingly fast on land or sea.
Isn’t it strange how the barnacles that have taken root seem to favor places on the body that would denote… jewelry.
And behind that Mona Lisa Smile… teeth.
BIG teeth.
FASA 365 Day 174, The Mournful Dead.
NOT a zombie, by the strictest definition.
Yet, it is still technically an undead creature, it is self aware.
It knows it has been cursed by whatever transgressions it is guilty of during its life. It knows that the level of its grotesqueness it bares, is in direct correlation to those transgressions.
Its motivations are not to eat the living but to help or be of use to anyone that it can. To do good deeds. In the hopes that it will earn a more pleasant after life.
Most are killed immediately when they approach, and subsequently go straight to hell.
The lucky ones, are able to communicate well enough that their intentions are not carnivorous.
Now, here’s the tricky part. IF they have earned enough pity, and performed enough selfless acts. They can choose to go to whatever “angelic”, afterlife they believe in.
OR, they can have their former earthly form back… as a ghost. A friendly ghost…
BUT if they were to fall back to their old nasty ways, Its off to hell.
Artists Note: Now there’s an NPC for ya.