FASA 365 Day 168, Black Tip Manta Shark (Nigrum Prefix Mobulidae Pistris) 10-15ft,
Artists Note: As far as genetic design, I think, shark are, the most cool looking, efficient, killing machine.
Sleek, fast, smooth, and of course, deadly. How could I possibly improve upon genius? How could I hope to “class it up”?
Let’s give it some wings!
FASA 365 Day 167, Magnus Celler Pullus Lacerta, (Big Fast Chicken Lizard), 8 ft, Omnivore
Eats insects, fungus, slow rodents.
Legs are very well developed and can reach speeds of 45 kph, and sometimes kpg… on a short burst. However, once penned in and unable to reach a full run, they become docile.
Once fed, they are trusting and loyal, even to the point of not needing to be penned. They stay where the food is.
Highly domesticatable. They’re also tremendously dim witted. About as sharp as a bag o rocks. Thick as two short planks.
Oh, and yes… they taste like chicken.
FASA 365 Day 166, Dragon Rose (Dragonis Rosa rubiginosa), Carnivorous, 5-6 inches. Can grow to Bush level, if left unattended.
Artists note: Ever notice? Bee’s don’t seem to have a successful life expectancy in my art work. I know they’re necessary, and I’ve only been stung once in my 59 years… and that was enough.
FASA 365 Day 165, Space Gull (Locus Larinae), 6ft, 12 ft wingspan. Created specifically for Aetherstream: Leviathan.
Bird of Prey
Cutthroat, Fast, a persistent and unrelenting hunter. With a tremendous stamina; it is heralded for still fighting when all other species would have given up.
Artists Note: The initial brief was for a Aetherstream Logo for a squadron known as the “Space Gulls”. The first run was rejected as just a gull on a space background. The Line Developer asked for something more sinister and alien. Well, developing odd creatures is what this 365 is all about.
All I am truly worried for the Squadron Logo is the head… but the 365 so far is all bodies.
Anyway, whatcha think?
FASA 365 Day 164, Steel Blue Arctic Fox, (Caeruleo Arcticum Vulpis Ferro) 6-8 ft nose to tail. Carnivore.
White fur, with dark blue accents at the tips of the ear and tail. Piercing blue eyes. Can hear pray 6 ft under the cold arctic ice and snow.
Artists Note: Yeah, it seems I got a thing for big ears.