FASA 365 Day 134, Un-Named.
Creature Quote; “I speak for the vermin.”
Artist Note: I don’t know who or what he is. I don’t know what he did or who he offended to be cursed like this… I only know; he would not get out of my head; until I put him to paper.
FASA 365 Day 133, for 1879 line. This is taken from the brief for upcoming Samsut Sourcebook.
Lugalab Meqdu, Name translates to Burrow Demon.
Heavily inspired by centipedes. Multi segmented insectoid, giant in size (biggest ones are one hundred feet or more). They eat metal/minerals and incorporate metal into their shells. Have giant mandibles and acidic spit to break down rocks and minerals to eat, but will also use them to attack.
FASA 365 Day 132, for 1879 line, this is taken from the brief for the upcoming Samsut Sourcebook.
Ukkurum (modified falcon/hawk) Plumage is either light/sandy colored or dark brown, depending on if they are desert or forest dwelling, and underbellies are white. Bodies are smaller and lighter than traditional falcons/hawks, but have larger wing spans to catch thermal updrafs and coast for longer distances. Used as scouts and message carriers.
FASA 365 Day 131, for 1879 line, this is taken from the brief for the upcoming Samsut Sourcebook.
Gudtukkul (modified wild pigs/warthogs) Name translates to ravager pigs. Big (talking horse sized), mean, nasty, with big tusks. Described as taking at least a squad to hunt safely. Similar to the ones from the original GM’s Guide, but different offshoot; bigger and only four legs on these.
Artist note: I’m craving barbecue… I wonder why?
FASA 365 Day 130, for 1879 line, this is taken from the brief for the upcoming Samsut Sourcebook.
Buranum (modified camel) -Shorter, stockier and more muscular version of a camel (about 80% of height/length). They can process salt water, which makes their spit caustic.
Artist Note: With that being the brief, I was pretty limited. So, I did what the brief called for. Shortened the legs, beefed him up, and let the drool dangle… and sizzle.