FASA 365 Day 106, Skeeter Fish. 6-8ft for 1879.
Mud Sifting bottom feeder,
Named by an American scout.
Saying. and I quote; “That devilish grin reminds me of my second cousin… also named Skeeter”.
Yes, thats the quote, word for word.
FASA 365 Day 106, Skeeter Fish. 6-8ft for 1879.
Mud Sifting bottom feeder,
Named by an American scout.
Saying. and I quote; “That devilish grin reminds me of my second cousin… also named Skeeter”.
Yes, thats the quote, word for word.
FASA 365 Day 105, Gluck. (glowing Duck) 8ft. Cave dweller.
Bio luminescent. water fowl.
Its own ‘glowing’ nature comes from eating the glowing things (algae etc) in the lakes found deep in the earth.
Note to the Spelunker: Although the Gluck is docile it will defend itself. The sacks of glowing slime at the base of its neck, connects to its nostrils. When threatened the Gluck “sneezes” this slime at its attacker. Doesn’t seem so bad? Gluck snot is highly acidic and corrosive.
Note to the party: Collecting Gluck snot is very profitable and lucrative undertaking, and also extremely dangerous.
FASA 365 Day 104, Brownie.
Quote: Every breed o farmer deals with its own breed o pests.
In ancient days, the Brownie covered itself in fur or feather, disguising itself as bird or rodent; and dismissed just as quickly without a second glance.
Over time and human expansion, the Brownie has adapted to having less and less land to inhabit. Now mostly farmers.
The Farming Brownie inhabits and cultivates the small patches of land, that nobody seems to be keeping up with or caring about. You know these places, the neighborhood “haunted” and abandoned places, or the places you pass every day and ignore, like the patches of woods and grassy areas next to the highways. These are now the homes of the brownies.
FASA 365 Day 103, Canis Deformis,
Yup, that is one ugly dog.
They hunt in packs like most dog species. Hairless and spiked and found primarily on the dry barren plains.
Efficient hunters. Sleek and extremely fast, with barbed razor sharp tail spikes.
The packs hunting strategy is to run by, slice a mans leg clean off, have its pack mate take your leg to the pack, where they will then feast upon it before you’ve even hit the ground.
FASA 365 Day 102, Emperor Mantipede, Hand shows scale.
Underbelly secretes an intoxicating or soothing slime. Coupled with a soothing trill that the creature makes, and you can see why it has become a very popular stress relieving pet.
NOTE: Doctors are studying the creature closely, and warn of the Mantipede’s slime becoming addictive if abused.