FASA 365 Day 86, Paddle Wheel Trench Roller. 8-10 Inches. Amphibious. Herbivore.
Appendages hold it upright and when threatened will tuck in and help push off to literally “roll away”.
The appendages continue the momentum, hence the “paddle” in its name.
Defensive quills. The Roller will roll backwards to push its quills into an attacker.
Note: Overgrowth of quills will damage and split the shell at the base of its “head”. So the Roller will backup into trees to decrease the excess.
FASA 365 Day 85, Rahpul. An 1879 inspired “creature”…?
Meanwhile, in Egypt, the magics of the “portal” and the way the subsequent “Looking Glass Fever” has taken a decidedly different perspective on the populace.
FASA 365 Day 84, Diggery Dugger. 6-8ft, omnivore.
Found in the flat lands and plains.
Large spiked front claws and toes. Excellent, for digging up roots, demolishing fallen rotting trees, digging up insects and small rodents, and …. truffles.
The spiked tail is tremendously strong and a deadly defense.
Fights off predators much in the way of the Australian Kangaroo, with the demeanor of a wild boar.
FASA 365 Day 83, uhm…
Three as One. Always together.
They are Sympathy. They are Empathy. They are Hope.
Beings of light, of strength.
They hold you with love and care, share their light, and ease your pain.
Some call them… angels.
Artists Note: My wife is dealing with debilitating migraines. The medical society as a whole has not been helpful. Late last night, in a attempt to comfort her, in a darkened room I filled the air with “Claire de Lune” and described what is seen here… what they do… how they would help.
It helped so today… I’m sharing.
FASA 365 Day 82. Grimbleshicht.
I really don’t know what you’d have to do to be cursed like this.
I don’t know who you’d have to piss off to be cursed like this.
I just know, the Grimbleshicht are cursed individuals.
Deformed and decomposing.