FASA 365 Day 57. Duck-billed Razor Whip Tailed Newt. 1-1.5 inch. Phosphorescent. HIGHLY Poisonous. The bite doesn’t kill you, it’s a cut from the tail that does it.
Funny thing, by the time you’ve noticed the tiny little paper cut… its too late.
FASA 365 Day 56, 1879 Game Line, Fae CreatureAlu – Vengeful spirits, terrify sleeping people. In their base form, they’re shaped kind of like and move or float along like a manta ray, with a body made of a substance like a jelly fish, sort of smoky translucent, When they find a sleeping victim, they engulf them, force nightmares upon them, and may possess their sleeping body to walk around during the process. When this happens, their body wraps around the person like an aura, the changing shapes tend to give them a demonic appearance.
FASA 365 Day 55. Crolinator,35-40 ft adult length.
Unusual speed, land and sea.
Able to endure long periods between feeding.
Jaws lock down at feather light touch. Once locked, stays locked until pulse is gone by death or amputation.
FASA 365 Day 54. Pugstrich. 18ft top to toe. 50km per min.
In comparison, Fast or faster than an earth Ostrich. Loyal as an earth Pug dog, smoother ride than any earth horse and dumber than an earth turkey.
FASA 365 Day 53. Coral Crown, Sea dwelling Carnivore. 30-40ft. As of yet, unsure of top speed. AGGRESSIVE. (makes a shark look like a goldfish by comparison.)