FASA 365 Day 51, Bulbous Hole. Carnivore. 3ft diameter at base. Tongue that appears plant-like.
The Bulbous Hole digs into soft open marshes or fields. Lying in wait for an unsuspecting victim to fall into its open gaping hole of a mouth, slamming shut and often stripping the meat from the victim by attempting to pull itself free.
Often the result of finding one of these is amputation of it’s “meal” completely.
The Bulbous Hole does not hang around once it has fed. Its hunting ground having been discovered. It then uncoveres itself, overgrow vegetation and all and, surprisingly quickly; scurries away to “dig in” elsewhere.
FASA 365 Day 50, Death Vulture or Famine Eagle. Bird of Carion. Most other species of vulture circle above dead or about to die animals; The Famine Eagle is rumored to have the gift of foresight.
Maybe it’s the second set of eyes, who knows, but it seems to sense where wholesale death, desease, starvation and destruction is coming.
If you see these guys hanging around or worse; nesting… it’s time to move.
FASA 365 Day 49, the Geep, 8-12 inch tip to tail. Amphibious. Herbivore.
Hides when in danger by “flattening” and blending into the surroundings. Although shy by nature, it can be downright playful once it trusts.
Artists Note: Some of you may have played with one of these as a child… check the silhouette. Do you remember?
FASA 365 Day 48, Gouging Locust. 8 -14 inch. Swarming insectoid. Omnivore. Attach to prey and lower jaw gouges 1/2 inch long and 1/4 inch deep, through muscle, tendon, and bone. Steel protects the adventurer, unless they find their way under and inside.
FASA 365 Day 47, Charcoalgrin, Concept request from the Earthdawn team. She is one DIVA of a Dragon. Worked this one up for the Drink and Draw live online event for FASA Games Freedoniacon. Looking forward to getting notes from the team and working on her some more. Still, its a nice start.