FASA 365 Day 238, Meus Diabolus,“Tommyknocker”, “Knockermen” “Mine Devil”An 1879 Creature.Fae that lives underground. Spirits of averice and trickery. Tricks miners and makes bargains with those trapped. If the miner accepts they become a wendigo, a corrupted being that hungers[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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FASA 365 Day 237, Latum Os Tunde Cauda, (Wide mouth Slap tail) 15-20 ft.3 sets of eyes, does not improve its vision. Rumor has it that one set is for seeing heat, Another for movement, and the last set for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 236, Caelum Vacca, (Sky Cow) 6-8ft. Herbivore.More so kin to the bat and bird. but the weight, size, and demeanor have marked it as heifer.Artists note: I wonder, if you feed it, leash it, and fly it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 235 Glechoma Hederacea (Creeping Ivy) a Ground Elder or Spirit of Weeds. One day the Forest Spirits had a meeting. All of the usual attendees were there. Tree Spirits, Flower Spirits, Wild life and bug spirits, even[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 234, Maledictus Gryllidae Scorpius, (Cursed Cricket Scorpion) 2-3ft Omnivore.Swarming over livestock, and fields, and humans; no matter they eat it all. And if not eaten immediately, they harvest what they catch; dragging it back to the nest[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 233, Draco Vetus Inexhausta, (Ancient Undying Dragon), 150ft.Withered, decrepit, and unable to die.Not unwilling.Unable.He was a terrible evil destructive dragon. Laying waste to king and kingdoms.For a lark.On a whim.Until he was faced by a very old[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 232, Turcia Ibis Anatis, (Turkey Duck Owl… Turduckll) 2-3 ft.‘Bout as sharp as a bag o’ hammers. Or as the English like to say… “Thick as two short planks”You’d think that with eyes that big they could[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 231, Reginae Actiniaria, (Queen Anemone) 6ft. Poisonous to most sea life. Solitary. Queen Anemone Deep beneath the oceans wavesa monarch of the sea, she cravesto find a love to call her own.but on her throne, she rules[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 230, Puppa Magister Blattodea, (Puppet Master Cockroach) 2-3ft. for 1879 There is an old wives tale. “If you see one cockroach, there are hundreds or more in a nest nearby.” Consider the Puppet Master. Four venom carrying[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
FASA 365 Day 229, Canis Anguis, (Dog Snake). For 1879Talk about your rodent hunters.Smaller than a Chihuahua.Faster than a mongoose.Hunts rodent and snake holes alike.Friendly, and approachable.However, many lost their lives initially to American adventurers; seeing a long “snake” moving[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…