FASA 365 Day 230, Puppa Magister Blattodea, (Puppet Master Cockroach) 2-3ft. for 1879

There is an old wives tale. “If you see one cockroach, there are hundreds or more in a nest nearby.”

Consider the Puppet Master. Four venom carrying claws, numb and secure themselves under the skin and above the bone at the base of the victims skull. Two “tentacle” type appendages attach with teeth like incisors to the victim at the ears. Central tendrils drills into the ear canal and extend to the victims brain; taking control the body, and leading them back to the nest.

Let’s not dwell on the fate of said victim upon arrival.

Taken from the record of Courts Martial proceedings of Lance Corporal Oliver Davies :
Regarding the disappearance of Sergeant Major Frederick Evans:

Prosecution: “Tell me, Lance Corporal, Didn’t you find it odd; the Sgt. Maj. walking around; or rather; repeatedly, marching “face first” INTO a closed front gate?
At that hour?
In his under garments?”

Davies: The Sgt. Major put me on Nights Watch to teach me a lesson.”

Prosecution: That was not the question, Lance Corporal. But prey tell, What was that lesson?

Davies: To never again, question him or his orders.
Well Sir. He seemed pretty determined to take a walk outside the gate…
So I let him.