FASA 365 Day 272, Cornu Raptor Caprinum, (Longhorn Raptor Goat) 15 ft at the shoulder. Upwards of 7-10 ft horns tip to tip Herbivore.
For 1879
Horns are defensive
Thick skull for head butting
Fast, 35-40 mph; and agile.
Tameable, although all attempts to ride the beast have proven hazardous to bone and body.
That doesn’t mean the Americans “cowboys” have stopped trying.
FASA 365 Day 271, Spica Desertum Truncata Gallus, (Spiked Desert Truncated Galloper) 12-20 Ft high Herbivore.
Eats Cactus.
Rips up the plant, root and all. Leaving little wells of water in the sand… but not for very long as it sucks that up to wash down the cactus.
The small, multi faceted mouth is FULL of shape teeth the grind down the cactus and the needles and mineral deposits.
It gallops at speeds of 60 kph however nobody has figured out a way to ride the thing due to the spikes down its back.
FASA 365 Day 270 For 1879 Suggested by one of the 1879 writers:
The Gooligoose is a simultaneously alarming and charismatic beast. Their most striking feature must be mentioned first: they have either two or three long necks and the appropriate number of bird-like heads, each with a separate brain that seems capable of thinking for itself. The two heads can often be seen clucking and chirping to each other. They don’t become more conventional from the neck down, either. Gooligeese have thick, knobby scales punctuated by patches of shaggy fur-like feathers. They are six feet high at the shoulder and twelve feet long, including a stubby feathered tail. Their front limbs are a pair of vestigial feathered wings with two hooked claws that it mainly uses for walking. At the back end they have a pair of powerful, oversized legs. It walks with a peculiar prancing gait, lifting its rear legs and passing them in front of its front limbs before putting weight on them. It appears to be ungainly and comical, but this impression is not to be trusted.
Artists Note: Not a bad start on this one… needs to address some of the other features… but not a bad start.
FASA 365 Day 269, Un Named.
Artists note: Started with the thought of a brontosaurus… and it “evolved” (pardon the pun).
Dont know how big, Dont know what it looks the way it does…
Guess its amphibious.
Where does the fit in FASA? I dunno. But the creatures keep coming.
FASA 365 Day 268, Draco Ignis Equus, (Fire Horse Dragon), 10-12 ft.
Spirit animal of fire,
Commonly know as a Wildfire