FASA 365 Day 267, Permanens Computantis. Impartial Watcher / Spirit. For 1879.
Remember when your Teachers and School Officials would warn, “THIS, will go on your ‘PERMANENT’ record.”
Well, this is one of those “accountants”.
Keepers of your PERSONAL accounts. Your Life Long Permanent Record.
One of these guys show up at the end of your life, and they submit your books.
They have no mouths to muddle the facts. Their motto: The record books dont lie.
And now that magic has come back to the world; you may well catch a glimpse of YOUR accountant… at those pivotal moments in your life… keeping watch… keeping the books.
FASA 365 Day 266, Inmortui Rattus Norvegicus Rex, (Lich King Rat) 10 inch. 16-18 counting the tail. Omnivore, Spell Caster. Speaks English… which in itself is quite alarming.
The story goes…
The parties swordsman, managed to attack from behind and drive his blade through the Lich Kings Skull.
The Lich, however, managed to transfer his consciousness into a nearby rat, just before the vanquishing blow.
When the Lich, with sword planted firmly in his skull, failed to attempt retaliation; members, kicked, prodded, poked, and summarily tested the “lifeless” lich.
Ultimately opting to take no chances, they prepared to set the body ablaze.
Long story short; the flames rose up. Illuminating the room.
It was at this point the party’s sorcerer asked “Does anyone else hear that squeaking”, Something about it seems familiar.”
The party then turned in unison to see a large group of rats congregating in the corner.
The last words any of them heard was that of the party’s healer. She said, “They look like rats… except – that – one. Why is he pointing at us?
Scorch marks on the floor is all anybody can find of the party.
Artists Note: This was Day 266, with this being a Leap Year, that means, only 100 more to do for this challenge.
I’m in the homestretch now baby!
FASA 365 Day 265, Malleus Capitopus, (Hammer Head Hippopotamus) 15ft, Omnivore. Amphibious.
Found in deep marsh waterholes.
Near 360° Field of Vision.
Surprisingly timid, and mild mannered in comparison to the everyday hippo.
FASA 365 Day 264, Gun Manu Fungus, (Gunslinger Mushroom). 2-6 inch
Named for its outstretched limbs and wide cap.
Reportedly to have a very robust flavor… till it kills you. Thats what cooky said.
FASA 365 Day 263, Melis Vespertilio, (Badger Bat). 6-7ft, Carnivore.
Does NOT fly… although; it is incredibly nimble, agile, light and fast. It runs across the barren lands to speeds upwards to 50-60mph.
Having selected its prey from over a mile away, it rips across a victim and guts it often before the sound of its foot fall is even heard.
Solitary creature, it lives underground only surfacing at night, to hunt.
Fortunately it only hunts once every 7 days. Then it sleeps for 2.
Makes changes to its home, Or chooses a new one for 3. The other 2 days are spent finding a mate and breeding if possible. After that it’s back to feeding.