FASA 365 Day 223, Lanigeris Bisontes Vermis (Wooly Bison Worm) 1-1.5 ft, Herbivore. For 1879
Named by our American friends, who have ventured here to the Gruv.
Seems the worms demeanor and wooly heads remind them of their own Buffalo.
Destroyer of Crops. Just one of these worms can destroy 2 acres of crops in a week.
Scientists have, as yet, discovered what or if this worm evolves into; be it moth or butterfly. As far as can be surmised; they don’t normally survive the evolutionary process.
Why? Their natural predators leave them alone in their worm state. Waiting for them to trap themselves by cocoon. At which point all manor of predator descend upon them in droves.
Upon closer examination we have discovered that the smell of the cocoon is overwhelmingly enticing, and extremely sweet.
Further, the worm in the center, in its unprotected evolving state would be best described in “human culinary” terms as cream filling.
FASA 365 Day 222, Raptor Gallinis, (Chicken Raptor) 3-4 ft. For 1879.
An example of evolutionary progress, this is somewhere between Velociraptor and an Earth Chicken.
It is smaller in size, and its wings and feathers are growing as it shrinks on its evolutionary process.
However, its demeanor is ALL Raptor.
Cook can’t wait to fry one up… or maybe a fricassee?
Me personally… I could go for some Gallinis Parm.
FASA 365 Day 221 Oram Monstrum Exesum (Coastline Erosion Monster) 300 ft or more.
A classic tale of Itch and Scratch.
The scales on this beast, both the large and the small, are incredibly irritating to the animal. So, like any other animal, he seeks relief wherever he can.
Most Sea walls can be attributed to the Oram Monstrous rubbing up against them.
The rubbing and scratching does lead to the dislodging of the scales, but the erosion of the seawall, and any castle or structure that was inadvertantly built there as well.
You may ask about the scales.
You would think that they must be a highly sought after resource. And you’d be right… If anyone could figure out how to retrieve them from the ocean floor.
FASA 365 Day 220, Magnus Cobalorum Noctua, (Great Horned Goblin Owl) 3-6ft.
Bird of Prey,
Most assuredly nocturnal.
Enlarged, Sharp beak and gaping mouth.
Upper and lower teeth that serve to take in the entirety of its prey, without need to regurgitate bone or tendon.
Witnessed, the Goblin Owl, can and will take a mans limb, and then grind and chew on it, in front of him. For intimidations sake. This trait of intimidation is what earned it the “Goblin” moniker.
Hearing the sound of the Goblin Owl chewing up, what used to be your arm or leg, can only be described as… ghastly.
FASA 365 Day 219, Spelunca Troglodytarum (Cave Troll) 15-20ft. The Face of Anger.
Always angry. If it’s awake, it’s angry.
Really, REALLY angry.
It don’t know why, or what it is angry about.
It’s just rip roarin’, spittin’ fire, pissin’ vinegar, and pickle shittin’ MAD.
I don’t care what you’ve seen.