FASA 365 Day 17 From the FASA Games 1879 Line, The Humbaba – Named after the creature in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Huge, bear-like creature with a vaguely human face, though with more ogre-like features and horns. Large claws, particularly on the forelimbs. Bipedal, though it may drop to all fours to charge, which they frequently do as they are aggressive as hell. Has a long, fleshy tendril that hangs down from the back of the head like a tail, often described as looking like a snake, which drips a paralytic poison.
FASA 365 Day 16, I showed this to my Art Director, I asked “what shall we call him?” She said… “Spot.” I love this woman. I have drawn in 15 days a lot of bulky creatures… thing it was time to draw something sleek, and sinewy. The Ziger. Cross of Zebra, Tiger, Dog. Not domesticate, or broken. They hunt in packs, fast is an understatement. Clocked as fast as 80 MPH. Omnivores.
FASA Creature Concept 365 Challenge Day 15
FASA 365 Day 14, Mermaid, Briefly mentioned in 1879 London Sourcebook. Created on iPad Pro, via Procreate
FASA 365 Day 13, Ryskin, 4-5 foot long, powerful hind legs, and plenty of ripping power. 2 front toes and upper leg claw, 3 toes on much bigger back feet. A hefty build but NOT a cuddle kitty.
I have shared the two prelim sketches to help show that there is a process to find each of these creatures.