FASA 365 Day 138, Pustulug. Scavenger. 1-2.5ft. or larger depending on how well fed.
Attracted to the smell of Infection, Rotting flesh, and death.
Battlefields should be cleared and burned expediently, to prevent overgrown monstrous sized, uncontrollable, rampaging, frenzied Pustulug stampedes.
Dugeon Survival Note: If one of these turns up, and is following your party; chances are, one of your party is ‘undead’.
Or… soon will be.
FASA 365 Day 137, Slime-web.
These things, at first glance, look like any other spider, or cob-web, and are usually dismissed and ignored just as quickly. However, upon closer inspection, you will find they are an outstretched thin sheet of slime. The visible ‘webbing’ is actually the slimes skeletal and nervous systems. Making this, the only slime, I am aware of, to possess a skeleton.
DO NOT TOUCH. The slightest touch will result in permanent adhesion.
The victims immediate instinct, to pull away, provides the creature a centrifugal force. Enabling it to fall, launch, and or attack its victim.
Attempting to wipe the creature off, hastens the spread of the slime. Not only across the wiping area, but onto the victims free hand as well.
The Slime-web; once attached, spreads across its victim, until completely sealed within. Creating a wet and slimey cocoon. Upon achieving asphyxiation (the victim stops struggling), a HIGHLY corrosive enzyme is secreted within the cocoon, liquifying the victim. Bone and all. Allowing the Slime-web to absorb and devour the victim completely.
After complete ‘digestion’, it slowly, climbs back to its perch, and waits.
Artists Note: Lets try taking a tip from ‘anime’, and pushing it… a bit.
Dungeon Survival Note: Beware of Spider webs that… ooze.
FASA 365 Day 136, Pantheranis Leopus, Lion – dog hybrid.
Quote: “Let sleeping dogs lion…..” Everybody’s a critic.
Here at FASA Labs, just another example of figuring out if we could, when we shoulda’ been askin’ if we SHOULD.
Artists Note: Yeah, yeah, I know, Im supposed to be drawing 365 ‘unique’ creatures. and this looks a lot like Day 119. But aren’t there a lot of dog breeds that look very similar?…
So, I like dogs.
FASA Creature Concept 365 Challenge Volume 2. So, second book full. 135 Creatures. Goin strong.
FASA 365 Day 135, Exo-Spinalopede, 8-10 ft tall, 15-18ft full length. How this creatures body came to effectively look like some kind of spinal column, is anybodies guess.
Deep cave dwelling ( Insect ??)
Hunts by confusion. Laying about, looking like a pile of bones. Its prey is confused by the smell of something alive and investigates confidently; approaching what ‘appears’ to be dead.
By the time the victim realizes what they’re sniffing around at; its too late.